Should I tell him?


So I feel like there's a chance I might be pregnant. It's too early to take a test but I really think that there is a chance.

I'm only 18 (almost 19 next month) and he's 21 (almost 22 next month) and I know that's a bit young but I think if I am pregnant I will be keeping the baby.

I believe that yes, it is a big step and would change my life forever but I know that I am mature enough to handle having a child. Even if if may be tough considering my age.

He and I have a pretty amazing relationship not perfect because if it was then it wouldn't be a real relationship, let's be honest.

He and I live together with his parents in their very nice home with full support, but, what I'm EXTREMELY nervous about is telling my boyfriend that there is a chance that I'm pregnant. I'm on the fence about telling him now that theres chance or waiting and telling him when and if I find out that I am pregnant.

I asked him a while ago if he would leave me if I got pregnant and he said he wouldn't but he doesn't want a kid right now. But I feel as though that feeling might change if you're put in the actual situation and also about the fact that I would WANT to keep it.

Please help me come to a decision because I'm scared to tell either way.


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