HCG levels

So when I was 4 weeks along I had HCG levels drawn to determine how far along I was as my periods are fairly irregular. According to the doctor I was in range to be right where we expected me to be which was 4 weeks. I believe they were 1,300.

The other day I had another round drawn (I was experiencing severe cramping and spotting) -was supposed to go back in 48 hours later for the second one but the doctor didn't sign the orders and it was a Saturday so I just have the one level drawn. Anyways when I originally called the doctors office to see what they were I was exactly 8 weeks, according to them my HCG levels were "quite high" putting me well past 10 weeks.

Does anyone know what would cause me to go from having levels change so drastically? I was on target at 4 weeks but way over at 8 weeks.

I have my first OB appointment Thursday so will be able to find out more then but for now I'm a little baffled.