so confused please help!


We got married in Aug. And my fertile window was the week after the wedding, which needless to say was pretty active. That Fri we take a 24 he flight to Manila, Philippines because my so works here. About a week after arriving I started feeling nauseous, my boobs were overly sensitive, I was overly emotional and my period was late. I took a test but it was negative. A week later my period arrives. One day regular cramping, two days of light flow then two days of spotting. I was also spotting very lightly for the week leading up to my period. I'm usually a heavy flow for three days and I still feel nauseous, my boobs are still sore and I can't sleep on my stomach bc I'm so bloated and gassy it's uncomfortable. Am I losing my mind or is it possible I am pregnant after all? If it was my period then this week is my fertile window. Talk me down off this crazy train?