feeding schedule at 9 months

What do y'all do? 
Example of mine; 
830 breakfast 
1030 bottle 1st one 
130 lunch 
230/3 second bottle 
530/6 dinner 
8 third bottle 
My babe will drink 6oz everytime and sometimes he gets thru 4 and is sleeping and still wanting to finish it. But that's all he drinks is 18oz a day. Also in breakfast he gets 2oz so that's 20 and in dinner sometimes he gets 2 because of what I make like cereals or I mix formula in his food to make it not so thick but it helps him sleep. Anyone else's baby eat like this? How long too do they go if you actually end up being out and about driving and say 15-30 mins off schedule. Do they still eat the same amounts? How long do they go from each bottle to the next?