Mom gave me scars...😞😶

When I was younger I got my first boil like bump on my inner thigh. I went to my mom to find out what it was and she was convinced it was an ingrown hair. For several nights she would pin me to her bed and pick at it. She ended up digging into it so deep it was a giant hole. You could stick 3 Q-tips in it and spin them. I would scream in agony the entire time she dug at it. She would put a big band aid it, but it still hurts so bad to walk with it. I had to go to school limping like an idiot and was too embarrassed to tell people why. I even had to still run in gym class and would usually be bleeding by the end of class. I now have a giant dark purple scar and a few others she also picked at just not as bad as that one. I have many scars down there. I also lived in fear of my mom seeing one or finding out I had another one and would everything I could to hide them. I have them often now, but they go away on their own or I pop them and they go away. I am so embarrassed of my scars. My husband knows they are there and doesn't care, but I do. I think they are so disqusting. I am ashamed of them. It's also something that I am terrified for anyone else to see, including a doctor.