Husband vs. hormones


So I'm getting ready to go to the grocery store with my husband and daughter. I go to my closet and say "yea and none of my stuff is going it fit" (I'm 4 months pregnant) my husband tells me to buy more clothes. I respond with "yea with what money?" He turns and looks at me and says "hey you wanted to get pregnant so don't complain" I whipped my head around and said "oh like you didn't want this either? Pretty sure you did" he responded with "omg I didn't say that I'm just saying you wanted this so don't complain" and added "stop acting like a nut bag". So of course I start to tear up and I threw my hands up and told him fuck off and he can go to the store with our daughter I was staying home. He yelled at me that I'm pregnant and I need to get food. Told him to I'll go myself if I want something. I proceed to go to the basement to work on laundry and he yells if I'm coming with or not. SERIOUSLY?!?!? I said NO! You pissed me off I'm angry and apparently a fucking nut-bag. Then he yells down "yea you're acting like one"

I'm just so mad at him. How about being supportive? Nope! Ugh men I swear!!!!