At That Stage

Theresa • Wife, Mommy, Advocate for children with special needs. “Down Syndrome was an unplanned journey, but we LOVE our tour guide!”
My husband has recently been telling me how I'm always grumpy, mad, or crying. I'm 7.5 months pregnant. I've had a very difficult pregnancy. I am no longer working, I'm on pelvic rest, I just found out I have gestational diabetes, so needless to say, everything in my life has totally changed. I feel I have a right to be moody, and I understand it's probably difficult for him not being able to help with these things, because it's in his nature to always take care of me. I love him dearly for that. I just wish he could understand, that I'm having a difficult time, so I don't mean to be moody and upset all the time, it just happens. I love being pregnant and love that we are creating this beautiful baby together, but all the complications, one after another, has been too much for me.