hello everyone!


Hi everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself and see if there's anyone out there who relates to me or someone who I can go through this experience with. Im 21, almost 22 and ive been in a relationship for 2.5 years. I started birth control when I was in the ninth grade, and I graduated 3 years ago. My boyfriend (that's right folks, not married) and I made the decision to stop my birth control about 3 months ago. in 5 days I am expected to start my period. I've known all my life that I wanted to be a young mom and now seemed like the right time in our lives to start actively trying. I'm new to this... so I would love some advice on how to conceive (right now just having sex ob fertile days) and tips and tricks that seem to make a difference. A friend of mine told me to start taking prenatals and I'm just wondering if that would help speed the process up a bit. Please give me feedback and tell me about your journey of trying to conceive!