so my bf and I found out we were expecting out first baby.


so me and my bf found out we were expecting our first baby after a recent misscarage at only 4 weeks,we were so excited to find out I was 7 weeks 5 days much further along than last time u woke up on the 5th of august at 5:00am with bad cramping and bleeding very heavy and clotting I could hardly stand up he rush me to the hospital they done blood tests and pee tests and a whole load of other tests then 8:00 am I me they sent me up to the early pregnancy clinic to have a check over they done my hcg levels and they had dropped from 3,500 to just 4 in the space of time I had lost my baby for the second time. we were so upset we finally had something to look forward to and it was taken away again my bf tried to stay strong but couldn't hide how upset he was a week later he then booked us a holiday to Cornwall to take our minds of of what had happened, I have so much love for my man he cheers me up even in the hardest times of my life loves him to bits my soul mate xxxx