What do you all think?


Hey hot ladies! I need advice.... TTC for 4 months, and I am always 30 day cycle. ALWAYS. I had a week late 1 day "AF" in June (with 5 days of spotting), an on time but very short 2 day cycle in July, and a week early 3 day very light cycle last month. 4 BFNs. AF is due tomorrow and for the past 3 days my bbs have been like insanely sore. Over the past few month I have had a lot of pg symptoms but playing then off as placebo since I have gotten 4 BFNs. I think the last test I took was 2 weeks ago-ish. Has this happened to anyone?! What was it? My Dr sent me for blood test to check my thyroid and prolactin but not pregnancy, waiting on results. I feel pregnant, I have for months, but it's not coming up on any tests. Any BFP stories that can encourage me? I am scared there's something wrong :/