Is it Selfish??

So I JUST had my daughter 3 months ago. And now I've taken a pregnancy test, and its positive.

My SO and I decided our plan from the begging was:

If I got pregnant I'd get an abortion due to our financial stability situation.

Which as a broad general idea I am COMPLETELY pro-choice.

Yet personally FOR MYSELF, I don't feel that it's right to terminate a life inside for my wrong behavior upon myself.

However, I'm having guilty feelings because I know I should be spoiling and taking care of my 3 month old baby girl & I feel like my SO will regret this baby in the future.

But I ALSO feel like if I do go through with getting an abortion... I will live with that memory every single day of the rest of my life knowing we could have had a 2nd child.

Someone please help, or throw some advice. I'm really in a sh*thole right now. I will take anything even if it's brutal advice.

Thanks guys
