In need of words of encouragement..

hi guys! just a little bit of a background for you. my names Morgan, I'm 23 been trying for about 4 months, I'm currently on CD 32 and am 10 dpo. My symptoms this month range from lower pelvic pain, fuller painful breasts and nipples, dull headaches, hot flashes and I wake up throughout the night now like crazy all of these things are abnormal for me. this month I tried preseed, primrose oil, first response ovulation kit and clinical guard. I got a positive opk of day 22 and 23 baby danced three days leading up to ovulation and then on the 22nd... I took a pregnancy test this morning with my hopes all the way up high thought I saw a line of a frer but it was just the indent line. I am just sooo emotional today I really want a baby so badly and I know that's the goal for us all I just am so discouraged today and could use some words of encouragement.