Please respond- am I hurting my chances?

*Dimple* • TTC #1 for 4.5 years. Diagnosed with endometriosis 12/28/15. Conceived naturally October 2017
So I gained weight when my dad got sick in June of 2014 I gained about 20 pounds or so and I am a very short and petite girl usually. Recently I bought a fit bit and it has motivated me to start eating better and less and also working out. I have start working out and doing 45 minutes of I would say pretty high cardio and some light weight lifting. Am I hurting my chances of conceiving? I have read online that working out a lot or everyday or for a long period of time can affect your fertility negatively....I also have unexplained infertility issues.... We have tried for 10 months.... Let me know your input! Thanks ladies!