3 month old milestones???


Hi everyone,

My little girl turned three months on the 11th and looking back to day one-it's pretty amazing how much she's grown, however I find myself obsessing over "milestones" she should be hitting, or not hitting.

So far my biggest concern is that it took her a while to start smiling and even now smiles are rare and far in between-I feel so jealous of you ladies whose babies are laughing-because I haven't heard this magical sound. She coo-es (not often either), she rolls over on her side (but not all the way on her belly), she has very good head control when upright and holds herself on forearms when doing tummy time, good eye tracking, brings hands to mouth.

Here's some of the things books saying she should be doing but isn't: getting upset when I leave the room, getting upset when play stops, batting for toys when on her play mat, bringing toys to mouth, she responds to loud noises but not always to our voices, doesn't get interested in strangers faces.

My question is, what milestones are your babies hitting at three months, and do any of those sound like red flags??