
I am going to vent on this wonderful app because I cannot vent to anyone except my husband but sadly he doesn't completely comprehend how difficult it is to be a woman trying to conceive!! (Yes I know it's hard for him as well since we both want kids) I was pregnant in January and my pregnancy was unfortunately terminated by a natural miscarriage at 6 weeks. Since then we have been TTC but have been trying to not stress about it. I know I am not the only one that no matter how hard we try to "not think about it" it isn't possible! In July AF was unusually late so I took the First Response digital test. I took 4 test and all FOUR test came back positive! I went to the doctor and they drew blood and did a urine test and the results came back NEGATIVE!!!!!! I was in disbelief and so disappointed because we had already told our families and everyone was so excited since they knew how badly we want a child. Since that happened in July we have continuously been trying. My period was due 5 days ago according to the app and I've had some light pink spotting and nothing!!!! I have taken a Clear Blue pregnancy test and those are negative as well. The thing that is just annoying me the most with the app is that once I click that my period is late it gives me different days that I am ovulating. I am able to talk to my husband about all of this & he is so supporting and tries to be positive but I see it in his eyes that it hurts him that we haven't been able to conceive. Thank you all for your time and allowing me to vent. Good luck to all of us TTC!