"Small" fetal pole..or no fetal pole 😬


I had my first ultrasound yesterday and did blood tests for my hcg level. I've been having brown spotting on and off this past week which has been a little worrisome especially since the doctor decided to give my a paper on miscarriage signs, she said it was normal to hand it out to anyone who is "threatening miscarriage." 🙁

During the scan they were able to see the sac, with the "tiniest" little blob inside the sac. The ultrasound tech said we could kind of see the fetal pole but not good enough to get a good shot of it. From the scan they thought I was more around 5w2d instead of 6w2d. I just looked online and saw my hcg level was 37,424. I'm still waiting for the results of my hcg levels last Thursday, they decided to use the blood they took then to test for the levels yesterday. My question is would not being able to see the fetal pole at 6w2d really put me a week behind? Not to mention the results of my hcg and what the reference ranges are seem like I'm even further along since it goes off conception?! I'm just confused 🤷🏻‍♀️ my first day of lmp was 7.30.17

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!