14th September


Today marks 2 year since I was told I was having a miscarriage. 2 year ago my baby boy passed.

I can't believe it's been 2 year already, the pain feels like it's still happening, and it only feels like yesterday I was told. It's so hard, and even harder when my best friends baby was due the day after my son. She had a little boy, and I've watched him grow up, he came to my wedding, he played with my family etc. And the whole time I couldn't stop thinking "but that's what my son would be doing right now, he would be just learning to walk, he would be saying his first word, he would be laughing by now..." I sound selfish I apologise. I'm just hurting.

We're lighting a candle for him tonight, so if anyone would like to light a candle and say a prayer for my baby, Micah, my husband and I would appreciate it...

Micah, I love you baby 💙