Testing 1st cycle after MC


I had my first MC last month (6w2d). I had the MC on Monday, August 7 & bled for 6 days. My HCG went from 42 (way low for 5w6d) to 62 (day after MC) to 33 (2 days later) to < 5 a full week after the MC.

If I count August 7 as CD1, I ovulated on CD 26 (Sept. 1). I took OPKs & had mittelschmerz pains, so I'm pretty sure of the day. I am now on CD 39 & am guesstimating that AF would be due tomorrow-ish. I don't really know when to "expect" AF because of it being the first cycle after MC.

Before the MC, my cycles were 32 days. I think I had about 12-day luteal phases, but that was based on mittelschmerz pains on CD 20/21, before I used OPKs. The cycle I conceived was my first using OPKs & I ovulated on CD 17 & didn't get a BFP (though very faint) until CD 33/16DPO.

If I add 16 DPO to this cycle, that will be this Sunday, September 17. I'm already 13 DPO, so if I conceived, I should have implanted by now & should be able to get a BFP using a First Response test (I think).

I want to have more self control & wait until next week when I can safely assume AF is late, but I also would love to test now and see a BFP. If I get a BFN next week & still no AF, I will be annoyed. I also really want twins & wanted to take advantage of the spike in hormones after a MC & try right away in the first cycle.

Also, in addition to this being our 2nd cycle using OPKs, the cycle when I got pregnant, and this one, I have taken Fairhaven Health supplements FertileCM & OvaBoost & my husband took FertileAid for men.

I tried to stop logging all my BBT, CM, and everything else I was tracking during my who-knows-how-long wait, but now I'm getting anxious bc AF still isn't here & I'm getting my hopes up.

I went bra shopping yesterday & have gone from a 34D to a 36DD (but I've also just gained a bunch of weight since I last shopped for bras). This morning my stomach felt weird, but I could've just been hungry mid-morning. I have felt little twinges on my side-abdomen, but didn't really pay attention to when or how long. No spotting yet.

When should I test?!