homecoming while 27 weeks pregnant?


so my homecoming is in a week and a half and i am NOT missing it if i can physically go. i already have a dress that shows bump and all and i am taking my boyfriend/fiancé ( babys daddy) with me because he dropped out the end of his sophmore year and never went to a dance and really wants to go with me. theee is no way in hell that ill make it 4 hours with barely any sitting but this could be my last chance to enjoy being a highschooler. Obviously i wont be doing anything illegal. guys i am so excited for this i had a horrible time at my first homecominh last year because i got ditched by my boyfriend because he was to busy trying to find an after party and get himself drunk.when people ask if im going and i say of course they give me the craziest looks though because im pregnant. do you guys see anything wrong with me embracing my youth while pregnant because i sure dont. ill update with pictures after i have them.