Back pain

37+3. My doctors keep dismissing my symptoms and just tell me to let them know when my contractions are 3-5 minutes apart and knocking me off my feet. Real helpful 😒 but yesterday while doing a light cleaning through my house, my back and hips just started to ache so bad so I had to sit down. I figured I had over done it and just decided to rest the rest of the day. Bed time comes, I toss and turn all night. Can't sleep. Get up this morning for work and it's difficult to walk. I suffer through it while getting ready and leave. I have a few slightly painful contractions on my drive to work, nothing new, but when I get to work I just feel bad and weak like I hadn't eaten in days, but I just had breakfast. Go through the day just pushing through it and come home. Ate lunch, tried to nap. Wake up after 30 minutes shaking. I try to stand and have to hold on to the walls as I'm walking because my back and hips and hurt so bad. I get in the shower to see if the hot water relieves it at all. I'm able to stand there okay for a few minutes before a sharp pain shoots through my hips and I have to grab the shower door to stand. Still having contractions, that are slightly painful, but not 3-5 minutes apart. And crampy. Sorry for the novel. Should I be concerned about this amount of pain? I don't know if I should go in and push for them to monitor me or just keep suffering through it. But this pain is unreal.