
Hannah • mommy 💕

So, I was informed by my midwife today at my weekly appointment, that I need a c-section. I am currently 37 weeks and my baby girl is still breach. They we're just planning on doing a version, but with me having a valaminous cord incursion they don't want to risk it. So, I am having to get a c-section. I will be getting a call from the schedulers in the morning to schedule an ultrasound to see exactly where she is and then meet with some doctors right after to plan and talk more about the c-section. I am a ftm and only 19. I have no clue what to expect. Any advice, or knowledge or really anything is appreciated. I just need some people to talk to about this. at does to was like oh, ok, this will be fine. but now as more time passes I am honestly terrified.