Mixed emotions

I've been pretty MIA lately and fiancé and I have kinda given up on ttc. I mean, we're still not using birth control of any kind, but I'm also not really tracking or letting him know when I'm fertile. I'm angry because he wants to stop and try the whole "not trying but not preventing" thing so like if it happens great but if not, we aren't disappointed. But so many friends of my young SIL (she's 17 & my BEAUTIFUL goddaughter is 6mo) are getting pregnant.  Like one of them JUST turned 18 and she's pregnant with her THIRD and her son just turned a year old. It makes me so angry and sad because I can't have my own. And on top of it, I found my first bald spot in the back of my head. I'm going crazy in my own mind and I just wanna lie in bed and cry all day. I hope to come back with either my bfp or to start a new journey of ttc.