


Well the line looks a tad darker today (top) I think...will test with digital in 3 days, a day after af is due (if I can wait..).

If anyone is interested, I'll be 41 in December. I started using clear blue digital ovulation kit 2 months ago. Bf and I are in a bit of a slump so ONLY did the bd on 3 most fertile days :/. I also used preseed on ovulation day for first time!

Hi everyone! Long time lurker here, first time posting. I'm 40 and had my first pregnancy (natural) in April only to end in missed miscarriage in July. I'm currently 10 dpo and af is due in 4 days. Tested yesterday and this morning. And got a faint line (I think?) but I'm also seeing a bit of brown blood after peeing, which happens before my period. Should I expect that this is a chemical pregnancy? Am I really seeing a line? Ugh. I never thought I'd be in this position of dreading af every month. :(