The time is now

Savannah • Mommy to Luna Grace, wife to Josh

im always told "have kids while your young before the ovaries shrivel up" or even "have faith it'll happen".

its so hard anymore. husband and i have been trying for 2 years now, one thinks itd be a breeze since im only 22 right?

wrong i have PCOS, every late and missed period gives that smidge of hope only to be slammed back down with every negative test.

i thought it was supposed to be so easy to get pregnant. its harder then i ever thought and its slowly breaking me.

husband and i are so ready for kids and everyone around us keeps asking when it happen. it is truly so hard to play it off.

im ready to be a mom, im ready to have

that joy in my life.

ttc in the 20s isnt actually as easy as i thought.