waitress / bar


so I just started a new job last week done my training and I've bartended before only once for a year so they started me out as a waitress I'm okay with this since I'm rusty ...

well I've already had 4 tables and all had 2-3 people at them then they sit my 5th table Wich was 7 people ..

they were all special needs age 40-59 Wich I'm very understanding and patient with them and they made me laugh a few times with cute jokes ,how ever they asked for 7 different checks after their meals ..I had trouble with this and rang in two drinks wrong , I apologized and has my manager fix it then they tell me they never ordered them when their clearly empty glasses the same with some of their plates so I'm losing it a little because my other, tables need assistance so I had her fix it again even though they did get their meals correctly and ate then anyways I messed up on my second day of being alone I feel so bad and she sentme home I had to pay out all their meals out of my tips ...any advice please no rude sarcastic comments thanks