Bad bedside manners


I had a mc sept 4 at 9w4d. We saw baby on ultrasound just days before moving, measuring right on, and heard the heartbeat. I went into the er on the 3rd due to heavy hemorrhaging. I had been bleeding for a week and a half prior due to either a sch or the gestational sac being abnormal. I had 2 OBs tell me different things. While in the er I miscarried our baby. When I paged the nurse to make sure that was the baby/sac (this is my 1st mc) she came in grabbed my pad and looked at it and I'm not exaggerating said 'ewww! That's gross! You don't want to see that! I'll take it away!' She grabbed a biohazard bag and put my pad and baby in the bag. I asked if the baby was in there and if I could see him/her she told me I wasn't far enough along to see a head, feet, hands etc. Between the nurse and the np telling me how 'natural' miscarriages are I wanted to shove a sock in their mouth. Not once did anyone say a simple I'm sorry for your loss. I've given it almost 2 weeks thinking my emotions were just high but I'm still upset. Am I over acting? My husband made a comment on our way home about how nice they were before I gave him my view. After I told him how I felt he agreed. Has anyone filed a complaint with an er before for similar issues? How did you handle it and what was the outcome.
