The wait is driving me crazy!

Karissa • 💍 11/12/16 , 💗 5/19/18, 💗 3/11/21, 💗 6/29/23

My husband and I have been TTC for about a year now but I had to have surgery in May and that messed a lot up for us. This month will be our second month trying since then. So far this is what I've felt since ovulation...

1dpo - nothing really

2dpo - super hard/sensitive nipples

3dpo - still hard/sensitive nipples and lots of watery cm

4dpo - same as day before

5dpo - same as day before plus some mild cramping

6dpo - still have hard/sensitive nipples, cm isnt quite as a watery anymore, still having slight cramp feelings, extremely tired, having to pee alot

7dpo - still have hard/sensitive nipples now with a few of the white bumps on the areolas, cm is a little creamy, woke up having to pee around 4:45am, still extremely tired even after getting some good sleep last night

I hope I'm not thinking too much about it all but it is hard not to when we really want to get pregnant