First time: Birth Control! Questions!

Ellie • Hi.

Hello there!

I am a 25 year old female about to start taking birth control pills for the first time.

My gynecologist recommended it as a way to regulate my super irregular period and to alleviate PMS symptoms (e.g. really bad cramps).

I am about to take Gynera (from Bayer Pharma AG), containing Gestodene & Ethinylestradiol.


(1.) What are your experiences with this or other type of oral contraceptives?

(2.) How do I find more information on this drug and its users' experiences?

(3.) Would birth control pills have a drastic effect on my mood?

(4.) Would taking birth control pills effect fertility if I wish to have kids in the future?

Would appreciate any response! Thanks!


* I am on antidepressant but psychiatrist and gynecologist have both said it should be alright, worth a try at least.

* I am sexually active with a long-term, steady partner.