Someone anyone

Sarah • Mommy to 4 wonderful babies and to 6 heaven babies I miss they dearly.

This is going to be long and I don't expect anyone to read it. I do have living children. I had 5 losses in one year with two being ectopic before my rainbow. We got pregnant again in April with a little girl which we lost at 14 weeks and had to burry. It's been the hardest thing. I got my bfp at 3 weeks last week. Thursday afternoon I started spotting. Friday I tested again and it wasn't as dark as Wednesday. I continued to spot. Saturday no spotting. I tested again and it was just barley positive. I had a weird pain on my left side which went away within a few hours. I tested today and It is completely negative. I have some light spotting. I'm thinking it's a chemical and would rather just start bleeding. I don't think I would have gotten such a strong positive at 3 weeks if it was ectopic but of course it's always at the back of my mind.