Feeling down TTC sucks!


I don't know if this is a common thing to feel but I just wish things went differently.

~~~ Here's a run down of my history~~~~

Just over a year ago I found out we were pregnant with our first (one mc before when I was a teen) only to have a really painful natural mc on Halloween last year. Christmas Day I found out we were expecting again. Come February we had discovered via ultrasound that it had become a blighted ovum. I had my D&C; a week later.

It's been about 7 months now and still nothing. We have been trying by tracking O and NTNP alternate months. This month we have BD every other day after AF and every day during fertile window so far (meant to O on the 20th this month).

Hoping this month is our month. But at the same time I also feel that even if we get pregnant, there's no guarantee it will stick. I have not been able to pass 11weeks. Longest is 10+7. If we get pg again and lose, we will be getting tests.

Just wondering if a D&C; makes it hard to conceive? Sorry for the long post. Thank you for reading 😊