A really long rant about some difficulties I'm facing...


I'm 12 weeks pregnant. It was unplanned.

I found out when I was around 5 weeks.

My partner is so excited and so supportive.

We planned on telling our families together at a family BBQ.

However, the week after, I found out my younger sister is 25 weeks pregnant. She had only just found out and only just told my parents at the time. My sister is adamant she does not want to keep this baby. Obviously a termination is out of the question, so she is looking at adoption.

My sister suffers from multiple mental health issues and would be completely incapable of caring for a baby.

In all of this commotion, my sisters told my parents about my pregnancy.

My sister wishes to keep her pregnancy a secret, give birth and give the baby up.

My parents have been very supportive to my sister and helped her through whatever avenues she needs help with. However with me, it's different. They haven't asked about my baby, my due date, how I'm feeling, they never asked to see my U/S.

I feel as if I'm having a baby that although was unplanned, it is loved and wanted.

My parents have asked me to move out, which is difficult for me as I've just started a traineeship here in Sydney, however my boyfriend lives and is completing an apprenticeship 2 hours away. He can't move here, I can't really move there, unless I drive 4 hours a day for work.

I just feel stuck.

I feel like I can't enjoy this because what is going on with my sister.

I feel emotionally and financially unstable and unsupported. This isn't how I imagined my first pregnancy/baby. I'm scared and feel useless. I thought this would be a time that brings me close to my family but they do not want me to live here anymore.

If you've read this far, thanks. X