I'm so mad


My SO and I decided we were going to start trying for #2. The first 2 months we tried he had to be out if town during my fertile week. Last month we tried, and AF reared her ugly head. Yesterday was when I got my peak for ovulation so I made sure to let him know it's baby dancing time. He seemed on board to get dancing. Got our daughter to bed, hinted to join me in the shower, he never showed. Then I tried flirting with him. Got completely blown off. Kept hinting and he didn't say anything about not wanting to have sex. Finally after an hour I'm pissed. I say something about wanting to have sex so we can hopefully get #2. He tells back, "we all get what we want!". I'm hurt. I'm heartbroken. I'm so sad. I didn't sleep much and have been up cleaning since 3am because I'm so hurt. I refused to say anything to him when he left for work or kiss him goodbye. Not sure if ignoring him or texting him why I'm hurt will help. 😢😭