Baby not sleeping


Hello Momma's I wanted to see if you've hit this issue and what you did about it. My 6 1/2 month old girl isn't sleeping anymore. I mean like at all. She has been refusing to take naps. Yesterday she slept maybe a total of 40 mins. When bed time came she fought passed her normal bed time 7:20 on to 8:30 where we finally got her to bed. She still woke up 4 times and wanted to wake and play at 4:30am. I'm getting exhausted! With my first daughter went through this I just took everything that comforters her (swing, co-sleeper, swaddle) and put her in her crib with a passy and let her cry it out. She started to sleep thought the night by night 3. Idk if it's time yet and I need some opinions please.

Thank you!