MIL issues. Got to get this off my chest.

Taylor • Slay your own dragons, Princess. ❤️

I've got to vent about my MIL.

She's done me and my husband so dirty. I've tried to move past it, but I'm struggling.

The story is long.. I'm sorry.

I met my husband last November. We got pregnant after being together only about 2 months. It was unexpected but we were so happy anyway. It honestly only brought us closer and he's truly the love of my life. I had a very good relationship with his mom to start with. I could tell she was a little overly "into" herself, but I didn't care. My husband and I had both been married before and I wanted to make sure to make every effort I could with his family. He did the same with mine and my parents love him. My husband has a 4 year old daughter from a previous marriage that I adore. His mother had always been very involved with her, especially before I came around. He was young when they had her and to be honest, he needed the help. Well we're 25 now and are home owners, professionals and have our own lives in general. Most people know how that goes. When she found out I was pregnant, she was not happy. She made comments to my husband and to others about what a disaster it was to her family. This hurt me because even though I knew it was a shock, I didn't think any baby was a "disaster." She worshiped the ground my step daughter walked on.. I figured she'd be okay eventually. Well, my husband had been getting a little fed up with his mother for unrelated reasons. She was horrible about overriding his parenting when we had my step daughter and would constantly belittle him as a father. We have her a few days a week and my husbands mother was over here, even without asking, every single day we had her. She would just show up. Typically that wouldn't be much of an issue, but my step daughter needed quality time with her father. She was having some behavioral issues that he was trying to work on with her and his mother constantly put a stop to it.

One day when she was over, he sat her down and told his mother she wasn't going to be over EVERY time we had her. He explained why he felt the way he did. She got mad and left, only to call him about 5 minutes later and demand to see her when she wanted or she'd take him to court.

Totally shocked, my husband told her how ridiculous she was being and that was extremely hurtful that she'd even threaten him with that. After this time, she was constantly calling and texting me when I was at work (she doesn't work and hasn't in years) telling me that I needed to do something about him. She'd tell me "what I needed to say" and expect me to send it. Which I didn't. I didn't agree with her in the first place, however, I tried to remain respectful. I was going to stand by my man and try to keep things as peaceful as possible. I eventually had to ask her to quit calling me nonstop at work. I sympathized with her as much as possible, but I couldn't constantly be distracted like that at work. I was newly pregnant, sick as a dog and just trying to adjust to my new life. Which she never even acknowledged to begin with. It was hard.

Well, some more time went on and they continued to bicker as she constantly made demands and threats. My husband eventually had to tell her that he needed a break from her and that he, nor I, needed this stress right now. My husband's ex wife and my MIL have always hated each other. HATED. However, we discovered that she reached out to her and over a course of months, told her how horrible we were as parents, purposefully tried to dig dirt up on me and intentionally tried to separate us. She made false claims about her own son that he was abusive to his daughter. So bad, that his ex called DHS and filed a protective order against him (the day before our wedding oddly enough). My step daughter was going to be our flower girl... Well obviously the DHS BS was dismissed and the protective order too after we spent nearly $6000 on a attorney to represent us at our court date.

All of this was money we didn't need to spend. I'm due with a baby girl of my own in 5 weeks and every ounce of extra money we had, went into this issue that my husbands mom stirred up with his ex wife.

Well, as expected, his mom came crawling back just recently... She begged to be in my husbands life again and I encouraged him to try to forgive her (even though it's so hard) because I felt it was the right thing to do. Only thing I did tell my husband though, was that she needed to give us the money back we had to spent on this crap because of her mouth. She has plenty of money and is very well off. Not much has came of that even though he did ask.

She has never been involved in my pregnancy and has from what I can tell from the past, done everything she can to make me miserable until the last month or two. Like I said, I've chose to try and move on.

Here's my issue. My husbands ex wife reached out to me personally and apologized for all that she had put us through and told me that the only reason she did any of it, was because of my husbands mother and the things she was saying. She gave me examples, ones I wish I didn't even know now. It's so sick and twisted a mother could do that to her son, or his pregnant wife who didn't do anything to her. She even went as far as having his ex wife reach out to my coworkers and try to get dirt on me. It was just disgusting. I've done nothing but love my step daughter like my own and have been beat down for it since day one. I adore my husband and literally would do anything for that man.

Because I'm now communicating with my step daughters mom (which I'm thankful for), I've learned more and more about her scheming and it's become so hard for me to even communicate with his mother now. I've tried telling her how I feel and she always turns it around and makes it someone else's fault. She's NEVER taken any responsibility for what we've been through. Not once. I'm just sick of it. I truly am. I'm hurt. I'm bitter. And I just know how horrible what she did was. Now she wants to be a happy family again and I'm struggling. My husband doesn't even really want her in our lives at this point, but I don't want that for him. I want him to have family other than mine. He's never met his biological father. I don't want him to feel any more abandoned then he already does because of her bullshit. My husband is the best man I've ever known. He's genuine to the core and how his mother could ever do what she did to him, I will NEVER understand...