1 year ❤️❤️

I can't share this on social media for various reasons, but I wanted to share it none the less so I figured this would be a good place!
Today marks 1 year with my amazing boyfriend and I can't believe it's flown by this quickly ❤️ We've had our ups and downs, from us meeting while I was being diagnosed with herpes from my last partner, to his parents bribing him to break up with me, we've jumped every hurdle together and there are so many more ahead of us! I am so glad to be able to spend this time with my best friend in the world, and to see the smile on his face when he sees me absolutely lights up my life in every way possible. Words cannot descibe how much I love him, and I hope that I never lose him from my life because he's taught me so much and let me finally start experiencing life with all its ups and downs, and I can never repay him for what he's shown me. I love you more than words can say, André, and I can't wait to go forward into year two ❤️