Low blood counts


I had very low RBC and other counts in the hospital after my csection. They ended up giving me a blood transfusion (well 1.5 actually because my IV infiltrated the first time). They said it would take 4-6 weeks for my body to get my levels back up to normal and the transfusion was just a boost to help me start and make sure I could breastfeed and leave the hospital safely. Has anyone else experienced this? Did your doctors do anything special for you postpartum? My midwives didn't check my blood levels at my 2 week visit and I'm wondering if I should have them check at my one month visit. I started taking my prenatals again once my digestive system was working properly but idk if I should add in iron pills or something else? It's hard to eat enough as it is with breastfeeding so often and taking care of the baby- especially now that hubs is back to work. I'm trying to focus first and foremost on staying hydrated but idk how much of my exhaustion might be due to my blood counts still being low and not just from taking care of LO.