30+2 b/g twins.

Pamela • Son Patrick 3/6/06. Chemical pregnancy 11/2016. Baby girl/boy twins Liliana and Alexander 11/7/17

After a rough road our doctor said that our first goal was 28 weeks. We made it but then got diagnosed with polyhydramnios. Everything came back normal with the cardiologist and tomorrow we check the kidneys and bladder of my son. Once we hit 28 weeks our doctor said our next goal was 30 weeks. We are now up to weekly appointments and just hoping they stay in for at least 6 more weeks. We are scheduled for 8 weeks from today. My husband's employees threw him a surprise baby shower today which I was invited too. It was so nice to get out of my husband's basketball shirts and t shirts, dress up and get out. Hoping for nothing but good news tomorrow 💜💙