Anyone having a way harder 2nd trimester than first?


I'm really struggling here. I was confused during the first trimester at why I wasn't having many symptoms. I had hardly any morning sickness and fatigue and digestive issues were all I had most of the time. Then the second trimester hit and I've been miserable ever since. I get nauseous, I get cramping, back pain, headaches, heat flashes, everything!!! I never know when things are going to come crashing down and put me out of commission. Lately I've been in and out of the hospital and clinic for what turns out to be a muscle injury in my back just from my growing uterus (I'm only 23 weeks too) and the pain is so out of control even with some pain meds (recommended by my doc) and I can barely eat or sleep. I don't know how I can go on like this. I'm also trying to finish grad school this year. It's not working out so well :(. Sorry just needed to vent!! Anyone else struggling?