My herpes isn't transmittable?

I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this.. And I deserve it completely.. But I was told I have genital herpes back in 2013. At first, I didn't believe it.. So I was having unprotected sex with this guy. When my second outbreak came, I got tested again and it was positive. So I know I have it. I've had a few outbreaks within these 4 years and I still continue to have unprotected sex even when I have an outbreak bc I've had sex with about 4 people since & NONE of them got it. It doesn't make sense to me that if I have herpes, and even during an outbreak... why isnt it the other person getting it? It's not like I want them to.. of course not. But it doesn't make sense. Is the herpes I have not transmittable? Is that even possible? & I know that they don't have it even if they haven't gotten symptoms because all of them were checked and were tested clean well after we been having sex.