Over the Moon

Lakisha Kiki • LKB

Today I finally my first ultrasound, I thought was around 11wks 2d but U/S tech said the baby measured 10wks 4d. I was concerned but she said my last period was just as estimated guess and not to fret that it was still around the same weeks almost. But what was Soo amazing is I finally seen my baby, my baby was moving around and the tech said I had a bouncing bean. After a miscarriage she showed me my baby's Lil heart rate flickering around at a strong 160 at that moment my heart actually skipped a beat. I continue to pray to God to that my baby continues to grow and get stronger and in April 2018, I pray I can hold my sweet blessing in my arms that I truly long for. My worries has been put to rest for NOW lol I will continue to find something to worry about until I'm holding my joy. Ppl tell me once you reach your third trimester your all good from there but with me I will NEVER stop worrying. Sorry so long ladies but today was an pretty great day. I pray who all who delivers soon or next yr that we have smooth sailings and kiss our blessings.