topamax for weight loss

I've started taking 25mg of topamax recently for weight control. but I was wondering if anyone has experienced weight loss with it. 
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I was on it for 5 years for epilepsy. I did lose about 40 lbs but I wouldn't say it was from topamax. I became more active and the medicine made soda taste weird so I stopped drinking it. 


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I was on it for a while for migranes and it didn't really affect me at all. No weight gain. Only side effect I had was some tingling in my fingers 


Rena • Apr 21, 2015
I had the tingling fingers. its from low potassium


Posted at
When I was a teen I took it for my epilepsy and it was the WORST!! The side effects outweighed everything. I gained a to of weight, I wasn't myself again, ugh seriously just don't. Take it from somebody who had to...don't. 


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I took it for extream migraines when I was younger but i stopped taking it because I lost to much weight! I lost 40lbs in the course of one summer because I couldn't eat anything and I had to force my self to drink stuff so I wouldn't get dehydrated.


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Were you prescribed it? It messed with my memory when I took it. 


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I was on it for years for epilepsy and I did loose weight. But the side affects were awful. It slowed my brain down and made me have horrible mood swings.


Posted at
Ohh no I was on topamax wost stuff in the world for me, I wasn't myself the entire time on it. And Any Weight loss Was Not significant enough. I was on it for migraines