PLEASE HELP LADIES Glow says fertile but negative OPKS PLEASE SEE BELOW


Hey ladies so I need advise I'll cut it short

Had period on 31.8 last 4 days finished 4:9

Had internal scan 8,9 they said I had folicles the biggest 12.5mm and 13mm

And has Antal folicle count 4 WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?

I had egg white cm on Sunday 10.9 and Monday 11.9 which I havnt had for nearly a year due to coming off the depo in February,

Did I ovulate 2 days after my scan? I was away with work so couldn't do opk and there always negative I think I miss the days or I havnt been ovulating due to depo

Ive got creamy CM today, I'm gonna do opk in a minute but I know it will be negative

Cycle day 21 now periods are irregular but only last 4 days this cycle so fingers crossed getting to normal again

Please help any advise

Been feeling abit nausea and abit of lower back pain

Probalythinking to much into it