am i wrong?

Amanda • Mommy.5.2016

so last night while at dinner we my husband hit my 4 year old upside the head and I blew up on him... asking him wtf his issue was... he said she wasn't listening (she was supposed to be eating but kept getting up)... then said he barely touched her not like her head jiggled... and I'm like are you fucking serious... ugh so I'm mad right... then before bed I was telling him how my mom wants me to get braces for my 8 year old but that I won't right now cuz 1. I don't have the money for a down payment 2. we have insurance but still costs out of pocket... 3. she would have to be put down ..she struggles with the dentist... 4 she needs them just not right this second... he then stated that I was just like his ex gf... apparently she supposed to get the his boys to the dentist for braces but lags.. cuz literally every weekend they tell us oh next week or next month we getting them but dont... its sad really... but ugh do I have a right to be mad?