Alone Again


I didn't go through a break up. Well, a friend break up. I've been besties with this guy since we were introduced when I was in my very first relationship at 15. My ex introduced us and we've been besties ever since. I moved away and now we're in different time zones now which sucked a lot because it became hard to talk as much but we stuck it out as much as we could. Recently, he's been so distant and today has just been a bad day. I woke up crying because of how lonely I've been since I moved (I haven't made any friends yet) and I was laughed at twice in one of my college classes for some things I said during a discussion. I also haven't gotten to eat yet today and being the foodie I am, it makes me even more sad that I haven't been able to do that. Anyways, I messaged my friend, knowing he'd probably be asleep still from his late-night shift last night asking him to call me when he woke up. He messaged me and I told him I'd be out of class in 20 minutes and he said he'd call. Fast forward an 2 hours, I've messaged him on facebook multiple times called him and he saw my mesaages minutes after I sent them, never responding. It's been happening so much like this even without his late night work that I just got so fed up with it that I told him to go live his life. At that point he asked me what was wrong. I told him I muted him and didn't want to hear from him. I might be being stupid in this situation, but I'm genuinely hurt and tired of it. I haven't had a good friend in years, him included at some points. I don't think I want him in my life anymore because he hasn't been there when I really needed him to be. So now I'm completely alone again. I don't know what to do. I'm not the kind of person that enjoys being alone or is good with not having friends. I've been trying to make friends to no prevail and I'm just tired at this point.