OMG Help!!!! June '16 moms!


For the last few weeks my son (almost 16 months) has been out of control crying at least 80% of the day..! He wants something, he doesn't. Throws it, cries when it falls, screams, repeat. Everything. His food, toys, sippy cup. He rarely even wants his milk anymore and that was always his biggest soother.

Everything is a tantrum lately. Changing his diaper, getting him dressed, bath time! Everything. He fusses in the car, can't take him shopping! The only time he's even slightly happy is when someone is carrying his around! And he's just so clingy! He has never been this bad.. I have always had far to much going on in my day than to "baby" him. He usually can sit and play on his own or somewhat entertain himself. But not lately!

He's also not eating much. Barely touches his food and all he wants lately is bread or popsicles..! He was sick with a fever recently, cold symptoms and an ear infection, so I thought that was it. But he's much better now and he's still at it!

Now, for the last couple nights he's been waking up between 3 and 5am and just cries. Again, for no reason. I try and give him some water, he won't take it, then he won't take his pacifier either..! He'll finally cry till he settles and falls back to sleep, but this is getting so tough. I am barely dealing during the day, I need to sleep!

He is cutting SEVERAL teeth at once to include a few molars and ALL of his canines. But could this all be related to that??! I give him Tylenol or Motrin and have even tried the tablets and Orajel. Nothing helps for very long! Is this just the age? A phase?? How long will it last?! Do some babies just lose their minds when teething??! Lol..

My daughter is 14 years old, so it's been awhile for me. But I don't remember her being even close to as bad as this..! I've heard teasing that it's because "he's a boy and they don't handle pain well" lol. But I am going crazy over here! 😩 I told my husband the babysitter was gonna start charging extra for this!! 😕

Any help, advice or opinions are appreciated!! Thanks guys!