

My son Josiah went through a phase around 5 months where he only napped for 30 minutes at a time. drove me crazy until I just resigned myself to it and adjusted. Gradually his naps got longer and more predictable, morning and afternoon, at least an hour each time. Sometimes 2 hours! Now, he is 2 days away from 10 months and nap times have turned into hostage situations. He still nurses to sleep, but now it takes at least 30 minutes for him to fall asleep, and then if I don't wait long enough for him to fall into deep sleep, he wakes up as soon as he hits the mattress. If he doesn't wake up when I lay him down, he wakes up 15-20 minutes later, screaming and cranky, because he hasn't finished his nap. I could, and have a few times, rock him back to sleep and hold him so he can finish his nap, but who has time for that? Anybody dealing with the same kind of thing?