


How far along we're you when you had a first doc appointment?

Had a positive test this morning only 1-2 weeks pregnant, do I have to wait til after my period due date to see a doc and get confirmation?

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I went to the walk in clinic to confirm pregnancy at 5 weeks. since my family doctors almost an hour away. seen family doctor at 7 weeks... he set up ultrasound at 9 weeks 1 day. scan showed I was only 8 weeks 4 days.. seen OBGYN. at 11 or 12 weeks.


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My first appointment (labs only) was at 9 weeks. I was supposed to have my first ultrasound at 12 weeks but ended up going in at 10 because of one of my lab results. As hard as it was waiting it was pretty awesome going in an seeing a baby moving around for the first ultrasound!


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You can call your dr and you can schedule when you want to go or go in asa you'd like usually. My first pregnancy I went in at 6 weeks (I was really only 4 though) SadlyI miscarried my first pregnancy. My second (current pregnancy) I went in at 6w6d and was spot on. My second appt is at 12w6d! Sometimes scheduling early can cause stress especially if you're not as far along as you thought so sometimes you won't see or hear things you had hoped to..


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I was almost 8 weeks


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My first one was at 5 weeks


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You can go whenever to confirm, but I didn't do that. I just scheduled with my OBGYN and was seen at 9w 5d. 😊


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I went to my family doctor the morning I got my positive test to confirm and than I called my OB and got my appointment set up for when I was 7 weeks pregnant. I was 3w3d when I found out 😊 good luck and congratulations!