We stopped trying so hard...then BAM!

Jessica • Mama of 6 bebes, 2 fur bebes 🥰

We were on our 6th cycle of TTC (both of us have children from previous relationships) and we were using Preseed, he was taking Fertile Aid, I was using OPK's and taking prenatals. I even read some posts about eating pineapple cores during ovulation. I choked those down for 2 cycles. Makes me laugh now as I think back. Last month after AF came we decided to stop trying and just let God take control over our fertility. We stopped using everything except I continued to take the prenatals. And since we didn't use OPK's this last cycle I went strictly by EWCM for times to BD- which due to our busy schedules only happened 3 times in a 5 day window. And then, about a week before my AF was due this month, I started getting horrible heartburn and was very tired. I decided to wait a couple days and test at 10dpo and got a faint positive. Waited 4 more days and it was much darker! So excited for our June 2nd 2018 baby!!! Baby dust to all!