

hi. i am around 4-5 weeks. it was so surreal when I found out that I am pregnant because the doctor thought it would be a longer process (PCOS, irregular cycle of 53-58 days). i was in cycle Day 60, had slight cramps, my taste buds were weird (i suddenly put tons of salt on everything) and was severely bloated which is why I decided to take the test. Faint Line, positive! 😀 Couldnt believe it and took 6 more test (Clearblue test said 1-2 weeks pregnant).

i saw the doctor the next day who saw nothing in the ultrasound and said that it could be a tubal pregnancy and we would have to wait a week to see. HCG Level was at 100. i was so freaked out and scared about the possibility of a tubal pregnancy.

a week later (yesterday) I was back at the doctor and she did an ultrasound again. there it was: a 4mm little Dot, sitting at the right spot. no heartbeat yet though... but wow, something was there! so unbelievable!!!

i have cramping every now and then. this Morning it was really strong. and with every cramp, I freaked out that I could have a miscarriage and lose this little Wonder. is anybody else also having these anxieties or am I overly paranoid??? Would Love to know how you are feeling... thanks!!!