Opinions plz


Ok, I had a twinge cramp last week on Thursday on the left side, so I thought to myself possibly ovulation since it lined up with what my fertile period was showing. This week just for kicks on Tuesday I took an opk and was positive... that was again positive on Wednesday (this of course put in to the app shifted my expected AF date from the 29th of Sept to the 5th of Oct). Thursday of this week I had much more cramping on the left side, so then I was thinking that possibly ovulated this week and last Thurs was maybe some type of pre-ovulation twinge? Well then you know in the TWW you analyze everything! Except I wasn't planning on it, but yesterday I had bloating so bad (with some mild cramping and nausea), and it was so bad I woke up numerous times about ready to go head to head with the porcelain throne. Somehow still mildly bloated this morning for no good reason. Anyone have any good solutions for such uncomfortable bloating? Anyone else have signs like this so early in their tww? 3 month ttc, and never had this happen, and in all the years I've been getting my period never had bloating so bad, and never got this as a symptom with my koo daughter either that I can remember. Just curious and thanks in advance!**Edit** Adding to this that yesterday and today I have been having horrible back soreness/pains, cramping in my hip/pelvis area, and for like an hr yesterday cramping on my left side similar to my o cramping last week, and a mild metal taste on the back of my tongue that won't go away... Hoping that these are all good signs!